
ΒΕΤΑPLAN is an architectural practice established by its principals Ioannis Ventourakis and Takis Tavaniotis in 1987, as a continuation of their original collaboration initiated in 1972.

The firm is registered as a consulting firm with the Greek Ministry of the Environment and Public Works, the World Bank Group and the Commission of the European Community.
BETAPLAN is also a member of the following Greek and International organisations:
European Committee of Consulting Firms (CEBI), International Hospital Federation (IHF), Technical Chamber of Greece, Hellenic Association of Consulting Firms (HELLASCO).

BETAPLAN has undertaken the planning, design and construction supervision of a wide range of development projects, both in Greece and abroad. Furthermore, BETAPLAN has considerable experience in the collaboration with international architectural consultancies for the design of major projects in Greece. (Collaboration with the Santiago Calatrava office for the Olympic Sport (2004) Complex of Athens and recently with the Renzo Piano Workshop for the design of the National Opera and National Library of Greece). The main sectors of activity and areas of expertise of BETAPLAN comprise the following:

• Healthcare
• Education
• Heritage
• Culture and Arts
• Sports
• Office and Government Buildings
• Commercial and Industrial
• Residential
• Environment and Planning
• Transport
• Hospitality
• Consultancy Services in a wide range of areas of   expertise


Design Principles
In BETAPLAN we believe that the architectural design should be honest and comprehensible to its users, useful and unobtrusive, environmentally friendly and long-lasting. Moreover, it should respect and reflect the uniqueness of its surroundings, be innovative and at the same time aesthetically pleasing. Last but not least it should be expressed in a simple but thorough, down to the last detail, way.

Relationship with the client
Since the beginning the firm has had the chance to work for a diverse group of clients in both the Public and Private sector, ranging from Local Authorities to State Ministries and from small private investors to large institutions. Through the cumulative experience all these years, BETAPLAN can claim the ability to adapt easily and successfully to different situations and client requests which occur through the different phases of design and construction process. In BETAPLAN we highly value the relationship between the architect and the client and we believe that a major goal is the satisfaction of the client’s needs and ambitions. In order to achieve this goal we pursue from the very beginning to establish an active and honest relationship with our clients and we believe that only through close cooperation between the design team, our consultants and the client successful buildings are designed.

Quality Management System
Objective of the Quality Management System
The primary objective of BETAPLAN’s Quality Management System is the creation of a base for the continuous improvement in the efficacy of the Company’s procedures, always having as a rule the optimum fulfillment of the requirements and expectations of its Clients. To achieve this, the Management always supports and applies the base principles and rules of the Company Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, establishing objective Quality goals with the consistent and productive input from both its staff and its associates.

Base Principles – Quality Targets
The base principles – goals, as these are expressed in the Company’s Quality Management System operations and procedures, are the following:
1)  The provision of Services and the production of Design Studies that fully comply with the requirements and submission deadlines that are specified in the agreements we sign with our Clients, providing at the same time a satisfactory financial outcome to both BETAPLAN and its Clients.
2) The compliance with the relevant Legislation concerning the Quality, Safety and Environmental Effects of the building works specified in our design studies. In line with its effort to assist the protection of the environment, BETAPLAN applies a policy of recycling paper and batteries.
3) The constant improvement of our quality procedures, so that our Services and our Design Studies are considered to be of the Highest Quality in the Greek and International Markets.
4) The close cooperation with our Clients, the other collaborating design consultants and External Associates, with the objective to constantly improve the quality of our Services and our Projects.
5) The pursuit of the continuous development of BETAPLAN S.A.’s personnel, so that they can perform their tasks in an efficient, qualitatively correct and creative manner, as well as being encouraged to participate actively and creatively in the goal of the continuous Quality improvement, as well as their own personal betterment.
6) The principles of the System and the objective quality goals are reviewed at regular time intervals by the Company Management, to ensure their compliance with the new market needs and developments, the legislative requirements, as well as the attainment of the targets for the continuous improvement in the Company’s operations.
The Management is highly committed to provide the necessary resources (technical equipment – training – technical knowledge) for the satisfaction of the demands that result and are formed by existing conditions.
All the departments of BETAPLAN have the responsibility to be informed of and assimilate the required Quality System procedures, as well as to integrate and apply them in their everyday tasks.
It is the responsibility of BETAPLAN’s Management to ensure that its Quality Policy is communicated, and is understandable and applicable by all the Company personnel, as well by its Clients and external providers, with the objective to achieve the constant and stable development of its business activity, with a strong commitment to its principles and the continuous provision of products and services of the highest quality to its Clients.

The company has also determined:
• The company’s framework of operations as well as the needs and expectations of the interested parties.
• The targeting of our performance and of precise specifications for the services we provide and the monitoring of the degree of achievement of the objectives and the compliance of the services with the requirements set for them.
• The analysis of the risks and opportunities for the company.
• The clear definition of responsibilities and roles for each procedure or part of it.
• The written documentation of the way we perform the services (Manual, Detailed Procedures, Technical Instructions, etc.).
• The Quality Control (during the execution of the project and in the final delivery).
• The keeping of written data that prove the quality of our Services and Works and the functions of the Quality Management System.
• The Inspection of the implementation of the above (through the monitoring of the quality performance and the Internal Inspection (Audit).
• The learning process of BETAPLAN from its mistakes, to systematically take care that they are not repeated (Corrective Actions) and to continuously improve its operations by setting, monitoring and achieving specific improvement goals.
The Quality Assurance System that we follow is documented in the Quality Assurance Manual, while any special requirements related to a specific project or customer in the respective Project Quality Assurance Program.

BETAPLAN’s Management will have, within the financial planning framework of the Company, the necessary resources (Personnel, Training, Equipment) to enable the implementation of the above objectives. These resources are documented and controlled.

Main Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibility for the overall operation of the QMS rests with the Executive Management (Chairman of the Board & Managing Director) of BETAPLAN which sets both the policy and the quality objectives.
The Head of Management Systems (Quality, Environment and Health and Safety) is authorized to develop, improve, document and monitor the QMS and to put into force the necessary changes after the approval of BETAPLAN’s Executive Management.
He is also authorized:
•To monitor the implementation of the procedures envisaged by the QMS through Internal Audits.
•To monitor the quality performance of the Company so that he can identify areas that require improvement.
•To initiate any Corrective or Preventive actions he deems necessary to correct or prevent related Problems.
Project Managers are responsible for the Quality Control of the Projects they are managing and to ensure their compliance with the requirements set for them, as well as the implementation of the QMS requirements in the projects they manage.
Also for the management of the discrepancies that may occur in the projects through defined procedures.
In addition, all senior personnel and members of staff should endeavor within the framework of their roles and responsibilities to achieve the quality objectives and the implementation of this policy.

Commitment to the Implementation and Dissemination of the Quality Management Policy
The Management of BETAPLAN is committed to the faithful compliance with this policy and to the requirement of its implementation by all BETAPLAN personnel.
It will also ensure that this policy is known and understood by all BETAPLAN personnel.
This will be achieved in the following alternative ways:
1. Notification of the policy (to BETAPLAN senior staff).
2. Organizing informative meetings for the staff.
3. The establishment of the obligation of all Managers to keep their staff informed regarding the content of the Quality Policy.
4. The direct notification of issues related to Quality Policy to the staff of BETAPLAN.
5. The inclusion in job descriptions of the roles and responsibilities related to this Policy.

Environmental Management Policy
Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to specify how we will be able to continuously meet the legal requirements related to the environmental compliance of our operations and beyond that to continuously improve our environmental performance.

Environmental Objectives
More specifically, the policy of BETAPLAN is:
1. Compliance with the applicable Legislation concerning the effects on the Environment of our works and operations.
2. The continuous improvement of our environment-related performance.

Mode of Achievement
To achieve the above, we have installed, operate and continuously improve an Environmental Management System (EMS) which will always comply with the ISO-14001 standard.
The essence of our Environmental Management System is the realization by all the personnel in the Company that the environmental impact of our operations is the result of a series of Procedures that we follow consciously or unconsciously.
Environmental impact, its improvement and the prevention of environmental problems do not come by themselves. They presuppose the awareness and the Systematic control of these processes in each of their individual phases and as a whole.
The method we use to control these processes comprises the following:
• Setting specific goals for our environmental performance and precise specifications for the relevant tasks.
• The clear definition of roles and responsibilities for each process or part of it.
• The written documentation of the manner in which we perform the tasks (Manual, Detailed Procedures, Technical Instructions, etc.).
• The Monitoring of the relevant tasks and their environmental impacts.
• Keeping written data for the execution of the tasks, their monitoring and the results of the controls on the environmental parameters.
• Inspection of the application of the above (through the systematic monitoring of data regarding the efficiency and productivity of our operations and the Internal Audits.
• The learning process of the Company from its mistakes, to systematically ensure that they are not repeated (Corrective Actions) and to continuously improve its operations by setting, monitoring and achieving specific improvement goals.
The Environmental Management System we follow is documented in the relevant SOPs.

Within the framework of the financial planning of the Company, the Management of BETAPLAN will dispose of the necessary resources (Personnel, Training, Equipment) to enable the implementation of the above objectives.
These resources will be recorded and audited.

Main Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibility for the overall operation of the EMS rests with the Executive Management (Chairman of the Board & Managing Director) of BETAPLAN, which determines both the policy and the objectives for the environmental management.
The Head of Management Systems (Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety) is authorized to develop, improve, document and coordinate the implementation and to monitor the EMS, as well as to bring into force the necessary changes following the approval of the Executive Management.
He is also authorized:
•To monitor the implementation of the procedures envisaged by the EMS through Internal Audits.
•To monitor the environmental performance of the Company so that he can identify areas that require improvement.
•To initiate any Corrective or Preventive actions he deems necessary to correct or prevent related Problems.
In addition, all senior personnel and members of staff should endeavor within the framework of their roles and responsibilities to achieve the environmental objectives and the implementation of this policy.

Commitment to the Implementation and Dissemination of the Environmental Management Policy
The Management of BETAPLAN is committed to the faithful compliance with this policy and to the requirement of its implementation by all BETAPLAN personnel. It will also ensure that this policy is known and understood by all BETAPLAN personnel.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy for Personnel and Clients at the Company Installations

Purpose of the Policy
The Policy of the Company is to perform its operations and tasks and to provide both products and services to its clients in ways that prevent occupational injuries and illnesses and fully ensure the Health & Safety of its personnel and its subcontractors. It is also the continuous improvement of the management system for Health and Safety.
All the activities shall be in accordance with the relevant Health & Safety provisions of Greek and European Legislation.

Goals of the Policy
1. Compliance with the relevant Greek and European Legislation.
2. Continuous improvement of the system.
3. Implementation of procedures for staff consultation and participation.

How to Achieve the Goals of the Policy
To achieve its goals, the Company has established, operates and continuously improves an integrated Occupational Health & Safety management system that is described in this manual and in the other documents to which it refers.

Compliance with the system is mandatory for all company personnel and its subcontractors.

The key elements of the system are:
1. Selection of appropriate measures that meet the requirements for occupational health & safety.
2. Compliance of the measures, the installations and the modes of operation of the Company with current legislation.
3. Carrying out regular and systematic inspections to verify the proper implementation of occupational health & safety.
4. Continuous training of Company staff to ensure full understanding of their obligations and the implementation of the provisions of the system to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses and to ensure occupational health & safety.
5. Regular consultations with staff participation with the aim to evaluate the performance and the actions to improve the management system.

Over the years BETAPLAN has become familiar with domestic or international Green Building Certification Systems, such as LEED, MINERGIE, BREEAM, QSAS or KENAK. More specifically, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, in which BETAPLAN is the executive architect, implements the LEED certification system and is the first project in Greece to receive a Platinum LEED certification rating.


The Company BETAPLAN in the context of its compliance with the provisions of Part II of Law 4808/2021, for the prevention and treatment of all forms of violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment and sexual harassment and specifically with articles 9 and 10 of Law 4808/2021, establishes and follows this policy for preventing and combating violence and harassment at work and the policy for handling internal complaints about incidents of violence and harassment.

The purpose of this Policy is to create and consolidate a working environment that respects, promotes and safeguards human dignity and the right of every person to a world of work free from violence and harassment. BETAPLAN declares that it recognizes and respects the right of every worker to a work environment free of violence and harassment and that it will not tolerate such behavior, in any form and by any person.

In summary, the purpose of this Policy is:
α. To prevent, respond to and eliminate all forms of violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment and sexual harassment that occurs in the course of, or in connection with, or as a result of work.

β. The immediate identification of cases of harassment and/or oppression by verifying incidents using effective methods of complaint reporting.

c. The notification to all executives, employees, external partners, customers and third parties who come into direct contact with the Company, that any form of harassment and violence are phenomena not acceptable to the Company.

Within the scope of application and protection of this policy are included employees and workers of all kinds, regardless of their contractual/employment status, including employees with a dependent employment contract, with a project contract, independent services and temporary employment, those employed through third party service providers, trainees and employees whose employment relationship with the Company has ended, as well as prospective employees and other persons dealing or cooperating with the Company.

a. 'violence and harassment' means any form of conduct, acts, practices or threats thereof, whether occurring in isolation or repeatedly, which intend to cause, resulting in or likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm,

b. 'harassment' means any form of conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person and of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, dehumanizing or offensive environment, whether or not it constitutes a form of discrimination, and includes harassment on grounds of sex or other grounds of discrimination,

c. "gender-based harassment" means forms of conduct related to the gender of a person, which have the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of that person and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or aggressive environment as defined in Article 2 of Law No. 3896/2010 (A' 107) and paragraph 2 of Article 2 of Law No. 4443/2016 (Α' 232). These forms of conduct include sexual harassment under Art. 3896/2010, as well as forms of conduct related to the sexual orientation, expression, identity or gender characteristics of the person.

The forms of violence and harassment prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to:
- Insulting someone primarily and not limited to discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, appearance, sexual orientation, disability, age, or other personal characteristics and choices, threats, verbal or gestural, swearing in public or in private, belittling or ridiculing a person or his or her abilities, whether in private or in front of others, outbursts of anger against a person, or making persistent or unjustified criticism.
- Abusive, malicious, derogatory, obscene or mocking comments and the dissemination thereof, innuendo, sexist or racist "jokes" and comments, the use of offensive language, verbal sexual harassment or suggestions, implying that one's sexual favors may advance one's career or that refusal to engage in a sexual relationship may adversely affect one's career with the Company, offering benefits (e.g., promotion or salary increase) in exchange for sexual favors or creating an environment that promotes "sexual intercourse" as a means of professional development in the workplace; retaliating or threatening to retaliate after rejecting sexual advances.
- Cyberbullying, sending messages with harassing and offensive content via SMS, e-mail, social media, fax or letter, insulting and persistent questions about age, marital status, personal life, sexual orientation, as well as similar questions about race or nationality, including cultural identity and religion. The above includes visual forms of harassment such as posters, cartoons, caricatures, photographs or drawings that are derogatory based on characteristics protected by law.
-   Unwanted physical contact such as touching, pinching, sexual gestures, hitting, grabbing, pushing and all kinds of physical violence. Invasion of privacy, intentional partial or complete destruction of personal belongings, vehicles or property, interference with or obstruction of the normal work, movement and physical integrity of a person, physical blocking or confinement, sexual gestures, physical surveillance, stalking.
It is expressly provided that the retaliation and acts of retribution or intimidation against another employee or third party who opposes violence or any form of harassment, makes a complaint, testifies, assists, or participates in any process of investigating an incident against the complainant and further victimizing the aggrieved person, shall be treated as acts of violence and harassment, and are expressly prohibited.

The Company, as part of its general policy for the prevention and response to incidents of violence and harassment at work, takes the following actions:
- It informs and trains staff using the most appropriate means available to ensure that all staff are aware of this policy and the procedures provided for in it, as well as the possibilities provided by law in the event of incidents of violence or harassment at work.
These actions include, among others, informing staff by posting in a prominent place or sending via e- mail to the professional e-mail addresses of staff, the details of the competent administrative authorities to which every affected person has the right to appeal (Work Inspectorate) and in particular the telephone line for complaints SEPE (15512), but also the citizens' helpline 1555 and the e-mail address, as well as the service of direct psychological support and counselling of female victims of gender-based violence who can communicate with the SOS Line 15900.
- It shall train and inform in every appropriate way its staff, to recognize and identify discrimination, violence, and harassment at work and to provide the necessary support to its staff and associates.
- It encourages the participation of employee representatives and management in training programs and seminars on the identification and management of potential risks of violence and harassment, as well as seminars with mental health specialists or counselling service providers.
- It establishes, within the framework of this policy, a procedure for receiving and examining complaints about the above phenomena, while at the same time designating a specific person as a reference person ("liaison") within the company, responsible for guiding and informing employees on the prevention and response to violence and harassment, as well as for handling complaints. Included in these procedures is also the provision for disciplinary sanctions for anyone found to have engaged in any form of harassment or violence, as well as anyone who was complicit in such actions or who knew of and deliberately concealed such actions.
- It expressly prohibits retaliation against the complainant and further victimization of the person affected.
- It is committed that complaints and proceedings for harassment will be treated confidentially and will be dealt with impartially.

Any employee of BETAPLAN or a third party associated in any way with it, who believes that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, violence or any form of harassment, or if he/she has noticed that such behavior is taking place in the work environment, may report/denounce it as set out below.

The Company's CEO is designated as the reference person in relation to this policy and the management of incidents of violence and harassment at work.

All queries relating to the implementation or interpretation of this policy are made to the reference person, who is responsible for and manages all matters relating to the information and counselling of staff, as well as matters relating to the prevention and management of violence and harassment at work. In addition, the reference person shall receive denunciations and/or complaints from the persons concerned about behavior involving violence or harassment, and shall deal with them as follows.

Complaints about conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy are accepted in writing at the dedicated email address, which is accessible only to the reference person.

Complaints are investigated by the reference person promptly and thoroughly, impartially and in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and protection of the personal data of the alleged victims and the accused.

In particular, the reference person collects and evaluates the complaint, recording and characterizing it. The reference person then contacts the complainant, informs him/her of the following options for managing the incident and asks him/her how he/she wishes to initiate the management process.

It is noted that complainants have the right to be informed of the receipt of their complaint and the progress of its examination.

To avoid worsening the position of the complainant, as well as to ensure the integrity of the investigation, the reference person must take all necessary measures, such as moving employees or modifying their working hours or the way they are provided (e.g. teleworking), until the investigation is completed.

In particular, following a complaint, the following procedures may be followed:

- Mediation of the reference person and reaching a settlement, through an invited discussion and a hearing of two parties. Provided the circumstances complained of have been resolved and the incident is deemed to have ended, with the procedure not taking more than 10 working days, the reference person shall prepare a report on the incident and its development and inform the Board of Directors of the Company.
- If the complainant does not wish to follow the above procedure, or if the above procedure is unsuccessful, the reference person shall draw up a relevant conclusion with the findings of his/her investigation with a simultaneous characterization of any observed behavior of violence or harassment and its degree, which shall be submitted within 10 working days from the receipt of the complaint to the Board of Directors, which is also competent to decide on the application of sanctions.
The Board of Directors of the Company, upon being informed of the reported incident of violence or harassment or discriminatory treatment, will decide on taking appropriate corrective measures and imposing disciplinary sanctions against the complainant, depending on the severity of the incident, which may include, but not limited to:

a. the oral or written reprimand or recommendation for compliance
b. a change of location, working hours, place or manner of performing the work
c. the termination of the employment contract with BETAPLAN or a cooperation agreement

Complaints that are proven to be manifestly unfounded or malicious will be filed as inadmissible, and in case the Company's management deems it necessary, they will be further investigated to restore order and avoid distortion of the purposes pursued by this policy.

This policy and the above procedure are applied in parallel and complementary to the general legislation in force for the protection of the employee's personality and do not affect the employee's legal rights under civil and criminal law.

The employee or senior staff who engages in such prohibited conduct bears full and exclusive responsibility for his/her actions and if the case follows the judicial route, the Company undertakes to cooperate with the Competent Authorities and to provide any relevant information upon request.

In general, the Company and the reference person appointed by the Company are committed to cooperate with any competent public, administrative or judicial authority, which, either on its own initiative or following a request by an affected person, within the scope of its competence, requests the provision of data or information and are committed to provide assistance and access to the data. To this end, any information they collect, in whatever form, shall be kept in a relevant file, subject to the provisions of the law on the protection of personal data.

At the end of the calendar year, a report shall be drawn up by the reference person with the incidents (without mentioning any persons by name), the type and evolution of the incidents managed.


BETAPLAN, during the last decades, has undertaken the architectural design from inception to completion, the design coordination, as well as the construction supervision of a wide range of projects of different size and nature, such as: Healthcare, Education, Heritage, Culture, Sports, Office and Government Buildings (Public Sector Buildings), Commercial and Industrial, Transport, Residential, Hospitality, as well as Environment and Urban Planning.

Since the beginning, our aspiration for the buildings we design, whether these are new Constructions, Conversions/Renovations of existing buildings, is to identify the unique challenges each project poses, in relation to their program and their surroundings.

One of the key services provided by BETAPLAN is also the correct interpretation and application of the local building codes, standards and European regulations throughout the design as well as the compliance of the design with the specific zoning ordinances and the preparation of the relevant documents.

Through BETAPLAN’s involvement in several of the major projects in Greece, like the Main Olympic Complex Venue of Santiago Calatrava, the New Acropolis Museum of Bernard Tschumi or the recently Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center of Renzo Piano Building Workshop, BETAPLAN, acting as the architect of records, has gained significant experience and is very familiar with the different permitting procedures depending on the type of the project. Specifically for the New Acropolis Museum and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, BETAPLAN has been very actively involved in the preparation and follow-up of the ratification of the special Laws for these two projects.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)
In BETAPLAN we realize that in an increasingly globalized market, our tools must correspond to the requirements of international collaboration. Follow-up of the technological developments regarding software possibilities, drawing systems or product information is a strategic decision of BETAPLAN and by attending workshops, lectures and classes the personnel is able to respond fast to new and useful technologies. Building Information Modeling (BIM) software), and more particularly REVIT, is fully incorporated in the firm’s workflow providing an advanced way of controlling the quality of the designed buildings throughout the design and construction process.

Tender Documentation
BETAPLAN has also a very good experience in the preparation of tender documents and the follow up of the tendering procedure of big projects. Through recent international projects BETAPLAN has also very well familiarized with CSI Master Format 2010 for the compilation of the Technical Specifications. 

Selected Clients

Athens Badminton Cultural Development S.A.
Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”
Attiko Metro S.A.
Boehringer - Ingelheim
Benrubi S.A.
County of Corfu Development Corporation
DIMAND Real Estate Development
E.I. Papadopoulos S.A.
Euromedica – Recovery S.A.
Commission of the European Communities
Fraport Greece
Friends of Children with Cancer Society
Hellenic Aviation Authority
Iranian Ministry of Health
LAMDA Development
Médecins du Monde
Greek Ministry of Culture - General Secretariat for Sports
Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Greek Ministry of the Environment, Planning and Public Works
Greek Ministry of Health
Municipality of Heraklion
Organisation of the Cultural Capital of Europe
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Tourist Developments of Messinia (TEMES S.A.)
University of Athens

Ioannis Ventourakis — Chairman of the Board
Panagiotis Tavaniotis — Managing Director
Thomas Amargianos — Principal Architect
Eleni Tzanou — Principal Architect
Eleni Koghilaki — Principal Architect
Elias Arkoulis — Senior Architect - Contract Manager
Antonella Solomonidi — Senior Project Architect
Maria Vitta — Senior Project Manager
Konstantina Andreadou — Senior Architect
Petros Tavaniotis — Senior Project Architect
Andreas Ventourakis — Head of operations
Margarita Ventouraki — Senior Project Designer
Ourania Karagianni — Senior Architect
Zoi Frantzi — Architect
Anna Matrakidou — Architect
Nikos Livathinos — Architect
Marousso Chanioti — Architect
Georgia Bountouraki — Architect
Stavroula Cherouvim — Architect
Christina Kelaidi — Architect
Katerina Tzachrista — Architect
Konstantinos Kallipolitis — Architect
Marina Lazaridi — Architect
Elias Tsavelis — Architect
Giorgos Mavrikis — Architect
Loukas Protopapas — Architect
Anastasia Konstantinidi — Architect
Artemis Merkourea — Architect
Konstantina Georgoula — Architect
Panagiotis Apostolopoulos — Architect
Katerina Boulougoura — Architect
Eleni Katsiampi — Architect
Nikoletta Emmanouil — Architect
Alexandra Zervudachi — Architect
Ioanna Giannakopoulou — Architect

Giorgos Karatzas

Graphic Arts
Giorgos Zoppas
Artemis Tsoukala

Draft Persons
Aleka Gyzi
Maria Tsekoura

IT Manager
Marios Kafetzis

IT Personnel
Iosif Roussos

Nikolaos Ventourakis

Iro Porgioti
Theofano Lilou
Maria Sella

Katerina Sochoriti
Eleni Polichronaki
Dimitra Adamopoulou
Vasso Rizou

Secretarial Department
Angeliki Papadopoulou
Anna Pitsinou
Aggeliki Louki
Evita Labrinou

Foreign Collaborators

Arup (NY, USA- UK- Germany – Netherlands),
Cooper Robertson and Partners (NY, USA)
Deborah Nevins and Associates (NY, USA)
Expedition (UK)
Front (NY, USA)
Kengo Kuma and Associates (Tokyo, Japan)
Llewelyn Davies (UK)
Renzo Piano Building Workshop (Paris, France - Genova, Italy offices)
Santiago Calatrava (Switzerland)
Theatre Projects Consultants (USA-UK)
Thornton Tomasetti (UK)
UNStudio (Netherlands)

Ventourakis - Tavaniotis & Associates S.A.

Registration Number of Hellenic Business Registry (Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.) : 005737601000

1 Aristodimou Str.
106 76 Athens, Greece
google maps

T: +30 210 7250196
F: +30 210 7239568


Brief Description and scope of work:
BETAPLAN provides services as the Executive Architect and Architect of Records with Renzo Piano Building (RPBW) being the Design Architect, for the full design, tender documentation and construction administration of the three hospitals in Komotini, Thessaloniki, and Sparta.


The SNF Health Initiative’s infrastructure projects include among other sub-projects, the design, construction and outfitting of three new state-of-the-art hospitals in Komotini, Thessaloniki, and Sparta. The estimated time of construction completion is the end of 2025.
More specifically these hospitals are:
• Stavros Niarchos Foundation General Hospital of Komotini
A 165-bed (180-clinical positions) capacity general hospital of approx. 30.000m2
developed in a site of approx. 90.000m2
• Stavros Niarchos Foundation University Paediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki
A 243-bed (247-clinical positions) capacity University Paediatric hospital
of approx. 45.000m2 in a site of 80.000m2
• Stavros Niarchos Foundation General Hospital of Sparta
A 146-bed (164-clinical positions) capacity general hospital of approx. 21.000m2
developed in a site of approx. 45.000m2

Design Phases:

•               Schematic Design Phase
•               Design Development Phase
•               Building Permit Issuance Phase
•               Construction Drawings, Documents and Material Phase
•               Bidding Consultancy Phase
•               Construction Phase and Administration of the Construction Contract

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Health Initiative — 2019-in progress

Hangar C of the Hellenic Air Force, located within the area of the former Airport in Elliniko, has been declared a listed monument by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, as it presents important elements of industrial architecture in Greece after the II World War.
The building complex with a total area of 4525m2, consists of two structures connected through two covered corridors: the main building, a metal arched structure built in 1950, with overall dimensions of 59.5m x 63m and a maximum height of 15.45m, and an existing auxiliary building of concrete structure, 3.60 meters high.
The study was elaborated in two phases,
1) The study for the restoration of the arched shell that included,
    a) Architectural and historical survey
    b) Pathology of the buildings (documentation of deterioration etc)
    c) Necessary works for the static adequacy of the building and shell restoration, aiming at the protection of the  monument and the highlighting of its original form. The proposed reversible works included the demolition of            added rough constructions that alter the original morphology of the building, repair and reinforcement of the             bearing structure, replacement of finishes, frames, coatings and roof insulation
2) The study for the interior layout arrangement to host the new temporary use as an information center and           exhibition space for The Ellinikon. The study aimed at highlighting the monument and secure public visits, so as     to be integrated in modern life.

The Ellinikon Experience Centre — Athens, Greece, 2022

Owner :                     Greek State
Client:                       HELLINIKON S.A.
Cost estimate:           13.000.000 €
Total Building Area:     11.800 m2

Complete Architectural Design for a new Building Complex for the relocation of four (4) Associations of people with disabilities, in the Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon Ag. Kosmas.
The new Building Complex is designed in four wings, which are connected to each other through a Central longitudinal axis of horizontal and vertical circulation.
Each wing of the Building is functionally independent in order to ensure the necessary privacy for the operation of each Association.
The new Building for Associations of People with Disabilities in Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon-Agios Kosmas has been designed in order to obtain LEED-GOLD Certification.

New building for associations of people with disabilities in Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon — Agios Kosmas, Greece, 2021 – under construction


Estimated Cost: 700 million $



BETAPLAN is providing architectural consultancy services for the Architectural Finishes Detail Design and Intent Supervision for the 3 Stations of Red Line:
Ras Bu Fontas, Al Wakra and Economic Zone.

The Project is under construction and comprises the following elements:

• 3 elevated stations (3 levels)

• Fully automatic driverless operation

• 5,8km elevated line (Viaduct) with two tracks

• Middle distance between stations: 2-2,5km

• Length of platform: 120m

• Platform fully separated from track with PSD doors


Architectural Branding Design: UN Studio
Architectural Detail Design: TYPSA

Architectural Final Detail Design: BETAPLAN

Metro Red Line South Elevated & At-Grade — Doha, Qatar, 2014-2018

Client : Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW)
Estimated Construction Cost: 325,000,000 € (excl. VAT)

The project comprises the programming, master planning, full design, tender documentation and construction administration of the following elements:
• The new Greek National Opera (GNO) (42,000m2) including the 1400-seat Main Auditorium, a Lecture Theatre and a School of Dance
• The National Library of Greece (NLG) (32,000m2)
• The “Stavros Niarchos” Park covering an area of approx. 190,000m2
• Car Parking Facilities for the above.
The site is approximately 240,000m2.
The Project is designed with advanced technological, environmental and sustainable standards and was awarded with the platinum LEED certificate.
BETAPLAN provided Design Services as the local partner (Executive Architect) to RPBW (Design Architect) for the following phases :
Phase 1 : Schematic Design Phase
Phase 2 : Design Development Phase
Phase 3 : Construction Drawings, Documents and Material Phase
Phase 4 : Bidding Consultancy Phase
Phase 5 : Construction Phase and Administration of the Construction

Contract Photos by Yorgis Yerolymbos

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre — Athens, 2008-2017

Client: INTRAKAT CONSTRUCTION S.A. - Fraport Regional Airports of Greece S.A.
Cost estimate : € 357.000.000

Brief Description
Upgrade and Expansion, Maintenance, Management and Operation of Aegean Regional Airports

Project Subject:
BETAPLAN is the architectural designer for the preparation and submission of the detailed design for the following 7 Regional Airports:
1. Rhodes Airport
2. Kos Airport
3. Santorini Airport
4. Samos Airport
5. Skiathos Airport
6. Mykonos Airport
7. Mytilini Airport

The project is under development and the estimation time for the completion of the construction is by the end of 2020

Regional Airports of Greece — 2017


Detailed Design and Tender Documentation for the complete refurbishment of an existing building in Athens and the development of a new multi-storey extension to accommodate a Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre. The Centre provides health care services which include Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Doctors’ Surgeries, Examination Rooms and Treatment Units with a 58-bed capacity for staying and daily patients who require physical rehabilitation or suffer from disorders of the muscular, nervous, circulatory, skeletal and respiratory systems.

Euromedica - Recovery S.A. Rehabilitation Centre — Athens, 2016


COMPETITION AUTHORITY: Landkreis Bad Kissingen
3rd Prize

BETAPLAN won the 3rd prize for the design of the New Office Building Extension to the District Administration Building of Bad Kissingen. The New Building will house the District Administration’s Medical Services, General Administration Offices and a Conference Hall. The Gross Floor Area of the building is 1,839 m2.

The design objective is to achieve a simple and contemporary architectural solution that will blend harmoniously with the Old Town image of Bad Kissingen whilst fully satisfying all the requirements of a modern building.

The building has been designed as a simple, compact and free standing volume, with its boundaries being determined by the existing District Administration Buildings to the east and by the irregular shape of the Old Town to the west. The entrance is orientated towards the Town Hall Square and is defined by a recess of the building facade at that point.

The internal space organization results from the sub-division of the building into three distinct zones: the Atrium with natural light from the roof, the Concrete Core and the Office Perimeter. The public functions of the building and the public waiting areas are organized around the Atrium, whilst the non public functions are centered on the dark core.

The building shell, influenced by the chromatic palette of the Old Town, consists of colored exposed concrete in shades of orange and ochre. To reinforce the building’s mass and robustness, the colored concrete shell is continued on the 45 degree roof.

Office Building Extension — Bad Kissingen, Germany, 2015

Client: Boehringer Ingelheim Ellas A.E.

Cost Estimate: 4,500,000 €

The new Quality Control Laboratory Building will be erected next to the Company’s existing Main Building in Koropi of Peania, Attiki, with which it will be connected via a narrow bridge that serves exclusively as a channel for M&E installations. The new building will have a total floor area of approximately 1,780 m2 on 3 floors (Basement, Ground and First Floor) .

The Ground Floor will be primarily occupied by Laboratories and Quality Control, the 1st Floor as Offices and Conference Rooms, whilst M&E plant rooms and laboratory auxiliary spaces will be located in the Basement. The laboratory area is designed on a 1.15m modular grid, with which (in accordance with the pharmaceutical laboratory specialist consultant) an optimal arrangement of the workbenches and the circulation area around them can be achieved.

The same grid is applied to the facade design of the building. The facades will be cladded with terracotta tiles on a support metal frame, thus providing a ventilated façade. On all four facades of the building and at a short distance from the tile cladding, a system of ceramic vertical louvers, arranged in three graduating densities, will be installed in order to protect the windows from direct sunlight but also to achieve a consistency between the facades of the new and the existing building.

New Building for the Quality Control Laboratory of Boehringer Ingelheim — Koropi, Attica, Greece, 2015

Estimated Construction Cost: € 80 million

The new Al-Fedhailia Teaching General Hospital (144 beds) comprises a building complex formed of 2 and 3-storey wings housing the hospital functional departments and a separate 2-storey staff residence building. The new Hospital has a total building area of 37,000 m2 and comprises the following main departments:

• Outpatients
• Accident & Emergency
• Rehabilitation
• Diagnostic Imaging
• Intensive Care Unit
• Operation Theaters
• Blood Donor Center
• Obstetrics & Gynecology
• Renal Dialysis Unit
• Laboratories
• Endoscopy

Type of services provided:

• Master Planning
• Architectural Design
• Interiors Design
• Landscape Design

Al-Fedhailia Teaching General Hospital — Baghdad - Iraq, 2014-2016

The design concerns the Building Complex of the School of Social Sciences at the University of the Aegean on the island of Lesvos. The University site is located near the town of Mytilene on a green hillside with views towards the sea.
The new buildings will house the Research and Teaching Laboratories, the Teaching Rooms, the Teaching Staff offices and the School Library. The Building Complex has a gross built area of 5,623m2.
The central concept of the design is the harmonious integration of the Complex within the relatively steep inclined grounds of the site and the creation of outdoor rest and activity areas in the spaces between the building volumes.
The scheduled accommodation is developed in three independent wings, whilst circulation within the complex is achieved with a central spine of general circulation that connects the wings at all levels.
Regarding the external form of the building, the curved shape of the building volumes was designed to fit in with the slope of the site.
The outdoor landscaped spaces between the three wings can be used for a variety of activities, whilst they also function as reception areas, identifying thus the building entrances that are located in the volume of the central circulation spine.

New Building of School of Social Sciences of the "University of the Aegean" — Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece, 2015

Client:   TOMI S.A.

Cost Estimate: 3,167,000 €

Full architectural design, based on the Civil Aviation Authority’s proposal for the Airport’s new Masterplan.
The design concerns the Extension and Rearrangement of the Existing Terminal Building, and includes the demolition of an older part of the Building, the construction of a new Central section and the Rearrangement of the existing “Arrivals” and “Departures” Areas.

Airport of Ioannina — Ioannina, 2014



Participation of BETAPLAN in a closed Architectural Competition after prequalification of 20 design teams. The site location of the project, at the foot of Brauhausberg hill and opposite the Potsdam Train Station is regarded as quite important as it contributes to the first impression of newcomers to the city.
The program was divided into 4 principal functions-zones: Sport Swimming Pool, Leisure Pool, Gym and Sauna with their respective open spaces. Through the incorporation of a central ramp that connects the two entrances of the building, the principal design idea is to intertwine the customer and visitor spaces in such a way that it is functional and inviting at the same time for all users of the building. The form of the building, inspired by the fluid nature of water, is curved and distinguishable from its surroundings as it befits to the special use and location of the project.
The competition included full architectural drawings at preliminary design stage.
Program floor area: 14,000m2
Estimated construction cost: 27,000,000 EUR
Language of Competition: German

New Sport and Leisure Pool Facility — Potsdam, 2013

Client: Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW)
Cost estimate: 5,92 million €

BETAPLAN participated as Executive Architect and Architect of Records in collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW) to the following Phases of the project: Schematic Design, Design Development, Building Permit Issuance, Tender Documentation (Schedule of Rates, Bill of Quantities and Technical Specifications) , Construction Administration and Supervision of all items of the Project including, among others, a Swimming Pool of Olympic proportions, a Football field, a Multipurpose Hall with Cafeteria and a Recreational Park.

Site total area: 28,000m2
Program Floor Area: 964m2 (building complex)

Kallithea Municipal Athletic and Recreational Park — Athens Faliron Delta, 2013



BETAPLAN participated in this Swiss competition with 30 entries from around the world. The competition included full architectural drawings at preliminary design stage. In this project the existing UVEK Administration Campus of Ittigen, south of river Worble, is to be extended by 900 Work spaces. The building of a total floor area of 28,000 m2 is to be constructed in two phases (1/3 and 2/3), in a rational, flexible, economic and eco-friendly way. In addition to the office and meeting spaces, a restaurant of 1250 m2, accessible to all employees of UVEK-Complex, is included in the program.

Estimated construction cost: 108,000,000.00 CHF.

New Administration Building Pulverstrasse 11 - Ittigen — Switzerland, 2012

Client: ORTHOBIOTIKI Prevention & Antiaging
Cost estimate: € 1,8 million

Architectural design, interior design and medical equipment design and construction supervision.

Refurbishment and retrofitting of an existing 4-storey building to create a Medical Center of 1200 m2. The accommodation and equipment provided include: Biological Age Measurement, Digital Thermography, Bone Density Measurement, Mammography, Haematology Laboratory, Gynaecology, Endocrinology, Plastic Surgery and Laser Treatment, Cytology, Gene Analysis, Cardiography and Neurology.

ORTHOBIOTIKI Medical Center — Athens, 2010-11

Participation in open international competition

BETAPLAN participated in this Finnish competition with 544 entries from around the world. The competition included full architectural drawings at preliminary design stage. In terms of both the cityscape and its symbolic significance, the Central Library will be located in the very center of Helsinki, the Töölönlahti (“Töölö Bay”) area. The new building will form a cohesive totality with the Finnish Parliament building, Helsinki Music Centre, Finlandia Hall, Sanoma House and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art.
The defining concept of the proposed new Library is the creation of a homogeneous building without «rear facade», a building that is transformed at each floor depending on its function, its relationship to the surrounding area, the views and the orientation. The building's transformation is expressed on the varied outline of each floor level which constitutes the defining element of its mass. Homogeneity, in the appearance and form of the building, is achieved by the use of only two materials on its facades (wood and glass).
Program floor area: 10,000m2

Estimated construction cost: 69,900,000 EUR.

New Central Library of Helsinki — Finland, 2012

Client: Benrubi S.A.

Full architectural design for the re-use of an existing storage buliding as the Headquarters building of the Benrubi Corporation. The project also comprised the planning documentation and the supervision of the Architectural Design implementation.

Headquarters Building — Athens, 2009

Client: "ELPIDA" Friends of Children with Cancer Society
Cost estimate: 17,5 million €

Architectural, Interior, Landscape, Signage, Medical Equipment and Chromatic Designs, Tender Documents, Construction Supervision and Project Management.

The new Oncology Unit consists of 4 main buildings and a system of walkways that connect it to the main building of the “Saint Sofia” Children’s Hospital (600 beds). The total area of the new Unit amounts to 15,000 m2.

The new Unit has a 138-bed capacity and comprises the following Departments:
- Bone Marrow Transplantation Nursing Unit
- 3 Oncology - Hematology Nursing Units
- 3 Daycare Units for the Oncology
- Hematology Nursing Units
- Daycare Nursing Unit for the Bone Marrow Transplantion Unit
- A Radioactive Treatment Nursing Unit
- In vitro Laboratory
- Pain Clinic
- Outpatients Department
- Blood Donor Center
- Nuclear Medicine Department (with gamma camera)
- Positron Emission Tomography Diagnostic Unit
- Meeting room for 50 people & canteen
- School for the education of hospitalized children

Children’s Oncology Unit — Athens, 2007-2010


3rd Prize

BETAPLAN was awarded 3rd Prize in this International Competition with 129 entries from around the world. The competition included full architectural drawings at preliminary design stage. The Museum will be constructed on a riverside site located at a central position in the city of Gdansk. The Museum will have a total floor area of 21,300 m2 and will comprise permanent exhibition spaces of 7,850 m2 and ancillary accommodation of 13,450 m2. The total project cost is estimated at € 54,000,000.

Second World War Museum — Gdańsk, 2010
More projects
Attiki coastal zone: Landscape and enhancement design — Athens, 2009
Athens School of Ballet — Athens, 2008
Public grounds at Oulof Palme Street: Landscape design — Athens, 2007
Twin Motorists’ Service Station — Eleftherohori, 2007
Private Artificial Insemination Center — Athens, 2006
New Municipal Cemetery of Arta — 2006
Ioannina University Hospital: Development Plan — Ioannina, 2006
Railway Stations of Lianokladi, Domokos, Aghios Stefanos — 2004-2007
Pireaus Municipal Theatre: Renovation and refurbishment — Pireaus, 2004
Ecclesiastical Museum of Axum: Preliminary Design — Ethiopia, 2003
"Skylitsio” General Hospital: New building, modernization of existing infrastructure and equipment — Island of Chios, 2003
Police Training Center: Indoor gymnasium and shooting range — Komotini, 2004-2011
Extensions of Attiko Metro — Athens, 2004-2007
Olympic Games Complex (Badminton Indoor Gymnastics Hall) — Athens, 2003
General Military Hospital 404 — Larisa, 2000-2003